Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Living Experiment: The Family Begins to Crack

A Tale of Torture and Mazes (Part 4)


It's a brand new day.  A school day.  But Crono won't be going to school.  Like everyone else in this experiment, she can't leave the house.

Victor wakes up to a brand new day of drinking. He's sinking deeper into depression.

The whole family is hungry.  It's time for me to interfere.  I tell Crypto to go fix some breakfast for his starving daughter who's off playing with the RC car.

He puts some pop tarts in the oven, then wanders off to take a bath.

He gets back before burning down the kitchen, but just barely.  He's not happy with the results.

He's so hungry he eats one anyway.  At first, Chrono tries to satisfy herself with food from the fridge.

But then her hunger gets the better of her.  It's this, or starve.

Anna eats one too, choking all the way.  Between the smell of burnt breakfast, rotting food left on the table, and flies, she can barely keep it down.  Someone needs to clean this house.

Victor has problems of his own.  It seems one of the guests he offended has knocked over his trashcan, and now he has roaches.  He seems to be thinking about starting another fight.

It's time to intensify the experiment.  The family has been having too easy a time finding everything in this maze.  It's time to remove something altogether...the toilets.

 Anna has to go.  Badly.  She tries to forget about it and plays with the RC car, but then she gets some bad news.  Little Chrono's grades are dropping because she hasn't been in school.

It's the final straw.  Anna is a family-oriented Sim, and most of her fears revolve around her family doing poorly.  She collapses in a laughing fit on the floor.

 A therapist drops in free of charge.  His visit lifts her spirits.

He assures Anna that if she can keep her head together, she will be fine.

With her mind freed from worry, she goes back to more pressing matters.  Like having to pee.

She makes a puddle next to the RC car.  How embarrassing!

 But she's not gonna clean it up.  That visit from the therapist didn't do as much good as she thought.  She still wants another child badly.  She wanders off to a quiet corner.

She pulls out a flour sack and paints a face on it.  She rocks it like a baby, and coos and talks to it, unaware that down the hall her real child is dying of neglect.  She's officially gone crazy.

Diary Excerpts:

Dear Diary, my parents are IDIOTS.  What the hell were they thinking!  I'm smelly and hungry. I'm gonna flunk school.  I'm probably gonna starve, if I don't die from filth first.    -Crypto

Dear Diary, I wanted a baby, and now I've got one.  It's sooo cute!  It looks just like me!   -Anna

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