Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Living Experiment: A Second Chance

A Tale of Torture and Mazes (Part 6)

Crypto cries.  If only he had a second chance to do everything right!   His hunger bar and energy bar are at rock bottom.

 In the end, his sleepiness wins out.  He can't even make it to the kitchen couch.  Anna worries about him briefly.  If only she had a second chance to do everything right.  Wait, she does!  

She has flour sack baby!  She's such a good mother to flour sack baby!  She plays with him, oblivious to the world around her. 

Then she mops up the puddle in the kitchen, probably because it reminds her of her daughter.

Crypto wakes up from his nap and sits.  He just...sits.  He looks depressed.

 Outside, things are normal for Victor.  Another guest arrives, and he's already planning a good fight.

I'd say Victor just doesn't like people at all, except for the fact that he's never wanted to pick a fight with the family.  Perhaps he feels some connection to them.

It's a typical day for Victor.

Inside, I'm tired of the flour sack.  It's time to give Anna what she wants for real - a baby - and see what she does with it.

I don't want to wait around for three days, so I cheat and speed up her pregnancy.  She goes into labor in the middle of the maze.

It's a baby boy - Telly Gram!   But Mom doesn't exactly look...happy.

Victor is drinking and thinking about his latest enemy when he hears the commotion.

He rushes to the window.  I don't know how he can see so deep into the maze, but maybe he's got super-vision or something.

He jumps for joy at the news of a little baby.

Dad looks less than happy.

He's still starving.  In fact, he seems to be wondering if the baby is edible.

I guess he can see through walls too.  Hmm, maybe that's how these Sims find everything so quickly.  He cheers for his wife, then walks away.

Anna puts the baby down on the floor.  She's exhausted.

This truly is a second chance to do everything right.  But first, she's going to need a nap.

Diary Excerpts:

Dear Diary, my wife can't take care of an eight year old kid.  Is is some cruel joke that she's got a brand new baby out of fricken NOWHERE?    -Crypto

Dear Diary, Anna is a doll.  Her new baby is so adorable!  I wish I could hold him.    -Victor

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